Sunday, 6 August 2017

Constructive Critisism.............

There been a number of comments on FB regarding my less than stellar reviews of EPM yesterday.  Some people seems to want flowers, glitter, rose coloured glass reviews, all day, every day.  They're not happy if anyone says anything negative about EPM.  They dont want honest opinions, they want sugar coated fantasy.

Well, Im afraid you wont get that here.  Here, I deal in the real world.

EPM is fantastic.  Ive said it.  Its a great resort, deservedly named number 1 all inclusive in the world.  Its not perfect, but it strives to be.  

Have I noticed changes since our last visit two years ago? Absolutely, both good and not so good.   

Firstly, The hotel is working at a minimum 80% capacity, all year round.  Fantastic for the staff as it ensures their continued employment, however, with its popularity, there are increased challenges.  More than one manager has commented that forums such as the FB We love EPM forum can raise unrelistic expectations from the guests.  Guests have become increasingly vocal and demanding regarding what they see as perks and what EPM used to view as surprises for repeat customers.  The fact that guests now regularly email requests for room blocks and actual room numbers prior to visiting - up to 500 requests per day, shows that customer expectations and their feeling of entitlement are high.  

For example, This week, on the EC beach a customer called a server to her bed, to hand her a drink from her table to where she was laying.....10" away.  She then required the server to put things back on the table for her.  Of course, the server complied.  But where does this feeling of entitlement stop? Have regular guests reporting on the little extras they have received added to the problem?

We've noticed little things whilst we've been here, Ive spoken about the vibe being different, yes, I think its changed.  I dont think Im a snob, but, I do have certain standards, that I think are slipping at the resort.  This last two weeks Ive personally noticed............

Multiple balconies daily strewn with washing - and Im not talking about descretely drying swimwear on the back of a chair, literally, catty corner to our block one day, over the metal balcony was a pair of trousers, two pairs of shorts, two tshirts, a shirt and various underwear.  It looked like a hotel in benedorm rather than a five star luxury couples resort.  And Im seeing this every day round the lazy river.

My first day, I asked for a glass of sparkling water, and was told to get it myself from Kafe Kafe - this was resolved and we've had fantastic service from Raul each day since

Ive been given chipped cups and plates at toscana at breakfast more than once, and so has our friends.

Waiter service at breakfast and lunch has mostly been fantastic, however at evening meal times its not the same.  I think there are not enough evening staff to cope, evident in our cold meal and long wait at Spice this week.  We also went to toscana for lunch, had starters and mains before being offered a drink, and only then when I actually had to call out to someone.  There just wasnt enough staff.

Guests not making an effort in the evenings, last night at 9pm, guests were at the martini bar in bikini and crochet cover ups, Ive seen men trying to go into dinner in baseball caps, wife beater vests, shorts and sandles, and its regular to see men wearing baseball hats at inside restaurants.

The tablecloths being removed from Barcelona, which now has a canteen feel......

The live sex show that one of our band winessed in broad daylight on a swim up bed this week................

I am concerned that the popularity of the resort has changed its vibe and that its no longer seen as a resort of casual elegance, which for us is a shame as its one of the things that weve always enjoyed about the resort.  

Ive also been speaking to a number of old regulars who have told us they are unlikely to return as they feel the same.

Its a tough one, we loved the hotel for what it was, I still love the hotel because of the staff, but I am concerned about the way its going, its not bad per se, but different - change happens all the time.

Lastly, we were speaking to someone at the lazy river yesterday, who had on her first full day to be changed to another room because a huge lump of plaster fell down in her loo.  It wasnt good, however the hotel did compensate her with a package of anniversary treats.  As we know, they are very good at putting things right and wanting to ensure everyone enjoys their holiday.  

So, Do I like it? Yes! Do I love it? Yes! Would I recommend it? Wholeheatedly!  Its still a great hotel, run by a fantastic team.  Even with the things Ive noticed, I still think its a hard one to beat, and Im sure new guests will love it.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for your honesty Mandy! For years I have loved reading your fantastic reviews with all your humor. I am hoping that Excellence can bring back their higher standards and keep them enforced. I'm not a snob by any means but maybe that may keep the guests that you have described above from coming back again. I am also not a fan of the new chairs and decor of Barcelona or Toscana. I would like to see the elegance and intimacy brought back~ Thanks Mandy! Enjoy the rest of your holidays and keep those thoughts coming!


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