Yesterday was bright and hot! After our breakfast in Barcelona, we took up our normal positions beside the revive bar until lunchtime, when we went to the Grill. Now only yesterday I said the food was much better here this year, however I think I spoke too soon, I had a horrible lunch of club sandwich. It felt like the sandwich had been pre-made a day before and just served up cold yuk! Freddie asked me if I wanted to change it, but I didn't bother. Kev had the same and he agreed it was the worst thing we hadn't eaten this holiday.
So back to revive for the afternoon, where we lazed for a couple more hours, but it was very very hot today, so around 3.30 we went in for a shower and read.
The brads jollies caught up with us to check what time we were meeting up at the martini bar, we agreed on 7.30 for some pre dinner cocktails.
At the appointed time we toddled off to meet our mates, and after two of Ceasars finest french Martinis, I was starving, so we parted ways with Mr&Mrs Brads, and toddled off to Basmati, where we were told it was an hour wait. So off we went to the Grill where the first person we spy is Mr Brads with his iPhone torch, looking at the menu!! By the time we had been booked it, two tables had been moved around and we were reunited with our friends - I'd actually missed them in the 5 minutes we'd been apart!!! As Kev had been warned before hand, Mr&Mrs B was able to get the odd word in edgewise so the conversation and laughs came thick and fast.
I ordered the mushrooms, followed by the tenderloin with Rosti potatoes, Kev had the three sausage starter followed by the rib eye. Kev said his meal was lovely, however my steak wasn't very good at all, and I left it - there's this saying, 'when men make plans, God laughs' well I certainly thought he was getting his own laugh in at me for saying the food was good in yesterday's update! Hopefully it's just a blip in otherwise excellent service.
Talking about excellent service, we were being waited on ok, until Aldo the food and beverage manager came along for a chat, he spent some time with us, telling us about the new plans for the hotel menus etc. After he left, we suddenly had three waiters and the maitre'd all at once serving us!! Lol! Really funny - guess it's who you know eh?
For dessert, we were brought up couple plates to share with a trio of desserts, which were lovely and made up for the earlier dishes.
After dinner we were caught up in a charioteer race between some of the maintenance men pushing carts of towels, with Kev cheering them on, and running commentary, and Mr Brads giving odds on favourite using his dog racing knowledge of form..........he'll perhaps explain for you.......
Back to Kafe Kafe for a nightcap and to hear the last of the Michael Jackson show, which judging by the amount of people standing outside to watch is still as popular as ever.
Photos today are of the grounds which are immaculate.
Staff member of the day is Michelle, the harpist, who serenades us at Toscana breakfast, this mornings version of I dreamed a dream from Les Mis was particularly beautiful.
More tomorrow xx